The CCC must assess each allegation of serious misconduct, however, the outcome or action taken may vary.  The process is set out the diagram below:


What happens to a report once lodged?

Once a report is received, it will be assessed and a decision made as to what action to take. 

In some cases the CCC may contact the reporter for more information. However, the CCC cannot provide a response timeframe due the complexity of the reports it receives. 

Once assessed, the CCC may:

  • investigate or take action itself; or
  • investigate or take action in cooperation with an independent agency or appropriate authority; or
  • refer the matter to an independent agency or appropriate authority for  action; or
  • take no action.

You may not receive an outcome letter if the CCC conducts and investigation or joint investigation.

Independent agencies include the Public Sector Commissioner, the Ombudsman; the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Inspector of Custodial Services and the Auditor General.

An appropriate authority is an agency which can investigate or take other action in relation to misconduct, and includes WA Police and employing authorities.

For more information refer to Fact Sheet No. 3 entitled Reporting Serious Misconduct or the joint publication entitled Notification of Misconduct in Western Australia.