Use of Taser Weapons by WAPOL and DCS Officers

Report recommends the DPP consider whether charges should be laid against two Police officers who tasered Kevin Spratt at least 12 times in the Perth Watch House on 31 August 2008.
Report recommends the DPP consider whether charges should be laid against two Police officers who tasered Kevin Spratt at least 12 times in the Perth Watch House on 31 August 2008.
Evidence does not support a misconduct opinion against the Commissioner of Police, Dr Karl O’Callaghan, concerning his statements in relation to the Roleystone Fire in February 2011.
Report on the Investigation of Alleged Public Sector Misconduct by the Commissioner of Police in Relation to the Use of the Western Australian Government Purchasing Card or Any Other Entitlement
Sharing user names and passwords contributed to the falsification of scores in an English language test formerly conducted by Curtin University.
A teacher with a history of alleged inappropriate behaviour with young boys continued to have contact with children after a further allegation was made because of systemic failures.